Child Care Rates                                  September 1, 2012


Infant – 15 Months

Full-time                                                                        $275.00

3 Days                                                                            $180.00

2 Days                                                                            $120.00


Toddler – 15 Months-2.9 years

Full-time                                                                        $275.00

3 Days                                                                            $180.00

2 Days                                                                            $120.00


Pre-School – 2.9 years – 6 Years

Full-time                                                                        $275.00

3 Days                                                                            $180.00

2 Days                                                                            $120.00


School Aged – 6-10 Years      

School Year                                                                    $100.00

Summer & School Vacations                                          $275.00


Special Rates - By Appointment Only

Daily Rate                                                                       $ 65.00


Hourly Rate                                                                    $ 15.00


Evening Rate- 6-11PM                                                   $25.00



Payment is due on Monday of the week of care.  If a holiday or vacation day falls on that day, payment is required on the next working day. These rates are guaranteed and include full pay for legal holidays, days absent, and vacation days for full time and permanent part time children.  Drop off service is arranged on a day to day basis if an opening for that day is available. Payment is not required if I have to take an unscheduled day off. I do not believe in late fees, but they will be implemented if there is excessive tardiness.